Tuesday 15 August 2017

Visit to Bangkok Zoo!

Last week I visited The Bangkok Zoo - known as Dusit Zoo!

Visit to Dusit Zoo!
I had the day off, it was sunny and I'm starting to tick things off my 'What to do in Bangkok' list - so I decided to visit the Zoo! I got the BTS to Phaya Thai station, then a 10 min motorbike taxi ride to the Zoo. Dusit is open every day from 8am to 6pm - tickets for foreigners cost 150 THB (£3.47). I got there just after 9 am and headed off to explore. The Zoo is not as big as what I'm used to in SA - its quite tiny in comparison to the JHB Zoo and the London Zoo too! I reckon you could do it in 30 min! It's also an extremely noisy Zoo - being right tin the heart of Bangkok - you can just hear traffic - those poor animals must never get any rest! Dusit also comes with is very own 7 eleven and kiddies water park right outside the tiger and lion enclosure - where you can cool off on a hot day and no doubt torture the tiger and lion with a snack they can never reach!

Me & the Animals!
I saw a Tapir (never seen one before), Bears, Hippos' Crocodiles, Snakes a plenty, Turtles,  a Tiger, Lions, a  Leopard, Gorillas, Monkeys, Giraffes, Zebras, Koalas, Flamingos, Penguins, a Camel and an Elephant! A lone Elephant named Jim that made me so sad as he was all alone - and especially as the info signs told you how much elephants love company and especially as Thailand is all about Elephants - there was only one! Poor Jim! I was also disappointed as this one lonely Elephant was confined to a very small little space. The enclosures we all clean, that I could not fault, but they were all horribly small  - my apartment is bigger than the Lions enclosure! There is a lot of construction going on too with plans of expanding their enclosures and making it more eco-friendly - hope it happens soon!  There is also not much Health and Safety going on there - between me and the bear was a tiny little moat - he could easily have jumped it - so could I! You could also easily hop in with the Crocs or Hippos for a selfie if you want to! 

There is a WHAT behind me?!?!?!

I left just before noon, I'd seen everything twice, it was crazy hot and the school busses were arriving - that was my cue to leave!


Tuesday 1 August 2017

Paint Harder Evening at Pullman Grande!

Last week I attended the 'Work Hard Paint Harder' event at The Pullman Hotel.

I went with some of my Theatre buddies and so glad I did - it was such an awesome evening! Tickets cost 699 THB (£15.89) and included the canvas, paints, tutoring, 2 drinks and  yummy snacks! When we arrived we could choose between a mountain scene with oil paints or abstract nature scene using acrylic and oil. The abstract seemed the way to go - I'm no Picasso - but I gave it a shot!

Getting our paint on!
We started off making a background with the acrylics - I went for my favourite colours of the month - turquoise and purple. The artist who was running the workshop was super talented and had some of her work displayed! She made it look all to easy and kept reminding us to have the finished piece in our heads. I had no clue what was gonna happen on that canvas after the background.... not even the wine was helping the creative juices flow!

Add caption
I decided to do a flower scene and scratched some texture into it, but it looked more like a 'fan feather bower' - at least that was the constructive criticism I got. No matter what I added that little flower was definitely not a flower! And with every brush stroke I added looked more like someone chunked on it! I was feeling a bit deflated and like the canvas had been wasted on me!  'Look at it from a different angle' was another suggestion, so I turned it round and round and....voila! I transformed that sorry looking little flower wanna-be into a skirt and added a head and arms! It's better than what I had hoped for and in the end was happy with how it turned out! Definitely not what I had envisioned at the beginning - but hey - the fun was in not knowing what it would be!

My Masterpiece!?!

It was so much fun and a fantastic evening spent with such talented and wonderful ladies! I'm looking forward to the next 'Paint Harder' evening I get to unleash the creative juices - just hope they come out!

Talented Artists!

Follow me on #icantpaintbutitry.com

Bangkok Planetarium

This morning I visited the Bangkok Planetarium!


It's located near Ekkami BTS and is part of the Science Centre for Education. I've walked past it a few times but never noticed the sign outside advertising an English show on Tuesdays at 10.00! Luckily, Ekkami BTS is a 15 min walk from my Condo, so off I set excited for my educational morning out. Tickets for the Planetarium cost 50 THB (£1.50) and and extra 30 THB (90p!) if you want to attend the Solar EnergyExhibition and Aquatics Centre. I was tempted to get the whole package - but the place was swamped with School Kids - so I just opted for the Planetarium show.

Bangkok Planetarium!

There is a small 'Planets' exhibit outside the theatre, although its all in Thai -you get the general idea. Once the doors opened school kids flooded inside, along with a few randoms - like me! It was pretty exciting waiting for show to start - I think I was just as excited as the kids! The show lasted 45 min and was split into 2 sections - first section was about the Bangkok Sky. The presenter told us what starts and planets that can be seen in the sky at night, what phase the moon is in and other bits of info about the sun and earth. The second section was a movie 'Flight Adventures' about flying, planes, spaceships and the science of flying. It was pretty cheesy, but cute and the kiddies loved it - and I loved it too too!

It was an interesting little morning out and I'm looking forward to having a looksie up above at the sky tonight !

Bangkok Planeterium

Thursday 20 July 2017

Visit to Chiang Mai & Yeepeng Lanna Festival!

This post is a bit delayed - sorry! Wrote it in November last year and found it hiding in my drafts - eek! I'm off to CM again tomorrow  - so stay tuned for CM Take 2!


So after the super fun overnight train ride to Chiang Mai (see post on overnight train to Chiang Mai!) - we arrived in the city bright and early and well rested after our lovely sleeper train experience! We got a tuk-tuk to our hotel and had breakfast while we planned our day excursions while the rest of CM woke up. We stayed at Le Naview Hotel in the heart of CM which was just fab...besides a comfy bed, air-con and the little elephant sculptured towels....it had a pool - and after walking around a super hot CM - the pool was the best place to be!

Le Naview Hotel - Chiang Mai 
First stop was Wat Phra Singh Woramahawihan, which was a 3 min walk from our Hotel. It's one of the most popular Wats in CM and after visiting...you can see why! It's just beautiful. Golden Buddhas fill the Wat, and behind it is a massive golden temple adorned with golden elephants. There we met an artist (with no fingers) who drawers Buddha images on leaves - they were truly exquisite and we bought one as a memory of CM. She was so inspiring and kept us entertained with interesting tales of CM and gave us the low down on where to go.

Wat Phra Singh Woramahawihan

Out next Wat stop was Wat Chedi Luang, it's built around an old temple ruin that was once the tallest in ancient CM.  This Wat also offers 'Monk Chat' - this a chance for tourists to chat to Monks about life, religion, culture or just say hi! This gives the monks a chance to practice their English and a fantastic way for foreigners to learn more about Thai culture. You are requested to be polite to the Monks, not to argue with them or push your views at them. Women must cover shoulders, not sit next to or pass anything directly to the Monks. There was a long queue, so we thought we'd save our chat for another day!

Wat Chedi Luang Worawihan

After our morning of viewing Wat's, we headed back to the hotel pool for a much needed cool-off swim and a few ice-cold beers! Later, a spot of dinner - Papaya Salad and Chicken Larb (Thai chicken salad thing) we hit the Saturday Market - OMG -I love a market but this was insanely busy! Not sure if CM is always that busy or if it was just crazy busy due to the Festivals - but it was too busy! We couldn't even move...so we surrendered and head to the night bazaar that was less busy, I was so over shopping by then (very unusual for me), so we found a quirky little bar that had beer and a live band! Great night!

The next day we attended the Yeepeng Lanna Festival (YLF) - the YFL happens once a year, it usually coincides with Loi Krathong and is part of the festival of lights in Northern Thailand that shows respect to Buddha.  This year it also coincided with the Super moon...so it was set to be a spectacular evening! Tickets to the event cost 3,500 baht (£80.00) and was worth every penny! The festival is a controlled event as in the past lanterns got in the way of flight paths and caused fires, so now they are held in designated safe areas. The Lanterns are also almost 100% eco friendly...so what doesn't burn away is bio-degradable.

We arrived at the meeting point to register and collect our tickets, then hopped onto the bus for the 40 min journey to the festival. Our tickets included 1 souvenir voucher (a branded bag with water, Thai dessert snacks and funky elephant travel pillow!) 5 snack vouchers (you could choose from pad thai, pork and rice, dim sung, noodles, fruit salad, ice-cream and loads more!) the food was super yummy and after we stuffed our faces we headed to our designated seats and waited for the festival to begin.

The festival started with a mediation session and we were given very strict instructions on how to set-up and light our lantern - one lantern between 3 people. Once dark enough, we had the go ahead and the festival of lights began! We were asked to wait and release them all together - but some bright sparks set theirs off before time (eye roll) - holding the lantern was hot work i tell ya! The lantern is much bigger than it looks and filled with a giant fame and hot air! You really gotta hold on!

Its getting hot in here...

Up...up...and away!
And go...!

Once the lanterns were all up in the sky - the view was just spectacular! We watched for ages as they floated away in the night sky! I lost track of our one, but sure it was way up there getting us good wishes for the year ahead! YLF was a truly awesome experience, hopefully we'll be lucky enough to experience one again!

Until next time CM xx

Wednesday 19 July 2017

My most favourite place in the World - Koh Lipe!

As if we haven't had enough beach holidays lately - we decided to spend the long weekend in Koh Lipe!

Koh Lipe is a small island southwest of Bangers, close to the Malaysian border. From Bangers we got a 30 min taxi to the airport, a 1.5 hr flight to Hat Yai, a 2 hr minibus to Pakbara Pier in Satun, then a 1.5 hr speedy boat trip to Koh Lipe!  It was worth every min of the journey as Lipe is my favourite place in the world! Kev and I visited it 6 years ago and it's always had a special place in my heart! Not only did we have an amazing time there way back when, but the white beaches and breathtaking beauty of the island has always stayed with me. Since moving to Bangers I've been dying to return to have a a top-up - it did not disappoint!

En route to Koh Lipe!

We arrived just in time for lunch and a Leo on the beach and checked into our resort. We stayed at Castaway - same one as 6 years ago  - it was fantastic back then and just as good time around. We had a little wooden cabin on the beach, the staff are super friendly, the restaurant created some super yummy dishes and cocktail o'clock did not disappoint! 

Castaway Resort - Koh Lipe

Koh Lipe hasn't changed much since our last visit 6 years ago - although it now has an ATM - super bonus! (Last time Kev lost some of our THB when snorkeling and I was deprived of my Thai Massage!) It also has not one but two 7 elevens - double the price of the mainland - but very handy! Koh Lipe is also super environmentally conscious and work towards ridding their island of the evil nature killers - plastic bottles! Most places offer free water top-ups and are big on recycling! Lipe is also home to hundreds of stray dogs, although stray they are well cared for by the locals, vaccinated and love attention from the tourists!

Chilling in Lipe!

Our main agenda was to chill, enjoy what Lipe had to offer and to just enjoy being in our favourite place. We spend all day everyday on the beach, walking to little secret beaches, swimming in the clear warm water and taking in the spectacular views! Before we left we had already made plans to go back again next year!

Sunrise Beach - Koh Lipe

You never really leave a place you love, you take a part of it with you...and leave a part of you behind.
- Anonymous

Bali Baby!

After our little stint in East Timor we headed to Bali - Indonesia!

I was particularly excited to get to Bali, not only cause it's somewhere I have always wanted to go (even before Eat, Pray Love came out!) - but my buddy Helen was meeting us there for an Indonesian adventure. I was so excited all the way there and couldn't wait to see her - the taxi pulled in the hotel and voila - reunited with my buddy! So there I was in Bali with 2 of my favourite people - coudn't be happier! We reunited over Bintang's (local beer), dinner on the beach and a celebratory bottle of Prosecco!

The next morning we were up bright and early for to travel to Gili Air! We were collected from the hotel and travelled 1 hr to the pier, then after a 2 hr boat ride (complete with a screening of the Fast & Furious 7!) we arrived in paradise!  The Gili Islands are a group of 3 ridiculously beautiful tiny islands west of Bali - Gili Trawangan (party island), Gili Meno (honeymoon central) and Gili Air (mixture of both - where we stayed). It takes about 2 hrs (my speed) to walk around Gili Air, there are no cars on the island and a taxi is a horse and cart!

Gili Air

We arrived and immediately posed for an 'eat your heart out - we are in Gili' pic in the beautiful crystal clear water! Then had a lovely lunch and Bintang at our hotels restaurant and headed to the beach to soak up some rays! We stayed at Unzipped - it's pretty central and the bar restaurant is right on the beach. The rooms were just gorgeous (complete with air-con, outside shower and well needed mozzie net) and the pool was an added bonus for our afternoon Bintang session! That evening we had cocktails on the beach watching the sunset and delicious Indonesian meal at one of the quirky restaurants nearby. Indonesia is one of the few places you can be a millionaire - for £57 you can get 1 Million Indonesian Rupia! It's a bit crazy when you are literally spending thousands on a cocktail!

Unzipped - Gili Air
Day two on Gili island paradise we signed up for a snorkel trip - stopping at both Gili Trawangan and Gili Mano! We left at 9am and headed to the clear blue for a non stop snorkel adventure! We saw loads of pretty fishy friends, starfish, eels and a few turtles! Oh - and i got stung by a baby jelly fish too! Ouch! (I am ok!) We stopped at various 'snorkel spots' long the way including an old shipwreck, then lunched at Gili Mano and had some time to explore the tiny honeymoon paradise.. We were back at our hotel by 3.30 pm and ready for 2 4 1 cocktails on the beach at 4 pm!

Snorkel Selfie!

Day 3 of island paradise we bummed around on the beach all day - literally! We hired a sunbed in a prime sunny location for 20 000 Rupiah (£1.50) and stayed there all day. Between napping, tanning, reading, lunching, Bintang-ing we also managed to do a little sarong shopping from the beach vendors! That evening we had a local meal and yet more delicious cocktails!

I heart Gili!

Day 4 we sadly had to leave island paradise! After breakfast we headed back to Bali and onto Kuta! Kuta is probably the best known tourist area in Bali - filled with loads of restaurants, pubs, clubs, shops and markets! It's also a great surfing spot for those that like to ride the waves! After a quick pit stop at the hotel we were off to shop, then chilled at Monkey Bar on Kuta beach enjoying out last Bintangs while watching the surfers and sunset! The next morning we were up at stupid o' clock, headed to the airport and made our way back to Bangers!

Kuta Beach Sunset.

Bali - I am so not done with you yet! I have had just a taste (beside Bintang!) of what you have to offer and promise I will return one day! Until then....see you in my dreams!

Sunday 16 July 2017

Timor-Leste and Eddie the Goat!

Last month we visited East Timore and Indonesia -  first stop - ET!

ET - East Timor or Timor-Leste is officially knows as the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste is located just northwest of Australia. Having only gained its independence in 2002, its slowly becoming a popular destination for divers and snorkel fanatics (like me!) as its coral reefs are virtually untouched.

We flew Sriwijaya Air Airlines to ET - their national carrier. The flight was 1hr 45 min and probably the worst airline food I have yet to experience - whilst not being as ‘picky’ as my younger years with food and now pretty much eat anything...this was just too much! When we were served ‘it’ we could then identify what the awful smell was when we first boarded the plane. ‘It’ arrived in a little plastic container.... some kind of hairy chicken, spicy potatoes (just about edible) some squished rice roll thing and a few other unidentifiable bits. For dessert a green shaky thing - I though it may be jelly and would give it a try but after watching the lady to the right of me tuck into it and promptly spat it out....I decided to give it a miss and build up an appetite for Dili.  

We arrived in sunny Dili and queued for our visas - visas are $30 (ET uses USD as their currency) and are issued on arrival. Once through immigration we were swamped - literally - by every taxi driver in Dili wanting our fare! It was a bit overwhelming...luckily we had organized a hotel transfer. After a quick change and sunscreen update we headed out to explore Dili, being a Sunday there was not much happening but still great to walk around. First stop was the Cathedral – which was pumping as the majority of the population is Catholic. Next we wondered to the local market – all 3 stalls were open and charge top dollar for local handicrafts, the clock tower – the clock didn’t work, Resistance Museum – closed, although was supposed to be open according to signage, National Stadium – Kev loves a football stadium – it was closed as its being renovated but we ‘snuck’ in for a quick pic! That’s pretty much the top attractions in Dili! After that we headed to the Castaway Bar looking out to Atauro Island and demolished a beer and burger
It’s not recommended you stay out in Dili after dark - although Dilli is now possibly one of the safest cities in Asia after their recent troubles, so we headed back to the hotel and got ready for an early start. That and the few Bintang beer’s knocked me right out!


The next day we got up bright and early to catch the speed boat to Atauro Island. After a delicious breakfast of french fries, egg, salad and bread, then trying desperately to get a taxi to the boat, we arrived just in time to hop on the speedy boat. I regretted every mouthful of breakfast I ate with every bump of the boat - for 1.5 hrs I thought happy thoughts and focused on my feet touching dry land - then we arrived in Atauro Island....aka - paradise!!! 

Atauro Island - East Timor!

We stayed at Atauro Dive Resort – which I can’t recommend enough - the owner met us on the beach on arrival and drove us to the resort. The resort has 3 little cabins, is eco-friendly and a little piece of heaven on earth. The Island has about 8000 locals, one main road, 2 restaurants and is so far from any other place that I have experienced - If you wanna get away somewhere very remote and just chill – this is your place!   

Atauro Dive Resort

After taking in the breathtakingly views and pinching myself for being so lucky to be one of the few people who get to this relatively remote place we went on a snorkel. Although i'm not one who likes to get my hair wet - I do enjoy a snorkel!  We hired the snorkel gear a local boat for $10 an hour and were utterly astounded at what saw! Untouched coral reefs a-plenty! We snorkelled around for a few hours enjoying the views of the deep blue then headed back to our cabin for a nap, a few Bintang's, then had dinner on the beach, under the stars!

Snorkel Central!

Day two of island paradise we awoke to a beautiful sunrise and introduced ourselves to the 'Eddie' the resorts goat! Atauro means ‘goat’ in the local language – and was named due to the number of goats on the island. Eddie is quite a character and a feisty little guy! Eddie girlfriend recent ran away but we were lucky enough to see them reunite later that afternoon when they found the poor gal wondering the mountains. We went for another snorkel after breakfast - then a little tour of Atauro. We hit the local restaurant for lunch and then took a $2 taxi bike to the village to get a feel of the place. There wasn't really not much going on, but interesting to wonder around. 

Atauro Village

Day three we woke up to yet another amazing sunrise and went for a long walk on the beach feeling like the two luckiest people in the world. 

Atauro Sunrise!

After a tearful farewell to my new leading man - Eddie- we then headed back to Dili to catch our flight to Bali! 

Eddie & I!

Monday 19 June 2017

International Yoga Day - 2017!

Yesterday I attended the 3rd International day of Yoga,  Bangkok!

It was a super early start and I admit when my alarm went off at 04.30 I did toy with the idea of giving it a miss (mainly cause I had only gone to bed at 2 am!) - but I hauled my lazy behind out of bed for something greater than myself and the chance to be apart of a truly amazing experience.

Tickets to the event were free, you had to register online and just rock up - yoga mats, water and snack were provided! I arrived at 5.45, got my free t-shirt (I will do pretty much anything for a free t-shirt!), found some of my yoga buddies and got a possie near the action, watched the sunrise and the event unfold.

3rd International Day of Yoga Bkk!

The ceremony started at 6.30 with a welcome from the Indian ambassador to Thailand and general formalities. Then the Yoga began - my Yoga teacher lead the session and along with thousands of yoga enthusiasts I got my yoga on! The session lasted for an hour - it was a great way to start the day with a few stretches and peaceful mantra chants. The slogan for this years Yoga day was - Yoga for Harmony and Peace - it was pretty amazing coming together with so many people from all walks of life to share this. 

Getting our Yoga on -  picture courtesy of Divine Yoga!

Tuesday 6 June 2017

24 hrs in Kuwait!

In May we went to London Town for a wedding and family catch-up! We flew with Kuwait Airlines and en route back to BKK we had a 24 hr stop-over in Kuwait City! 

It's never been on my list as a place to visit - but why not see as much of the world as you can ! We arrived bright and early to an already sweltering Kuwait City (40 degrees at 5 am!) and got the local bus to the hotel. We were the only foreigners on the bus and I was the only woman on the bus - we were pretty popular and had our picture taken a few times! When we arrived at the hotel I hopped into bed to get a bit of shut-eye while the city was waking up! A few hours later we set out for our mini tour of Kuwait!   The souk was a close walk to the hotel, but in the 45 degree heat it felt like hours! I love the heat - Bangers is hot- but this was unlike no heat I have experienced before...it's relentless! We had a little wonder around the market then indulged in a delicious lunch - chicken kebabs - Kuwait style! After lunch we headed to the central mosque and city centre for a wonder before the sweltering heat just got too much and we headed back to the hotel for some much needed air-con! 

When it had cooled down a few degrees we made our way to the city's main attraction - the Kuwait Towers! I'm usually a big fan of Google maps and the allocated time they predict is usually correct - however it's quote of a 15 min walk was very misleading on this occasion - we arrived at the Towers 1hr after we set off! (The promise of another kebab and ice cold non-alcoholic beer - Kuwait is a dry country - kept me going!) The towers serve as water tanks opened to the public 4 years ago and are Kuwait's number 1 tourist attraction. It cost 3 Kuwait Dinar (£7.60) to go up to the viewing sphere. The main tower is 187 m high and holds the restaurant and the viewing sphere - they both rotate so you can enjoy the view of Kuwait city and the  gulf coast! After the sunset and the bright lights of Kuwait city came out to play we headed back to the souk for dinner, then back to the hotel to get ready for our early flight back to Bangers!

Kuwait Towers
Kuwait - it was short and sweet but you are far too hot for me to handle!

Tuesday 14 March 2017

Mini Yoga Retreat!

Last month I went to Ranong for a Mini Yoga Retreat!

Ranong is in the South of Thailand and has the fewest inhabitants of all provinces. The flight from Bangers to Ranong takes just over 1 hour and you arrive at possibly the smallest airport in Thailand! I booked the Mini Yoga Retreat with Eco-Logic Resort that offered daily yoga sessions, clean eating and a relaxing break! You can imagine my disappointment when I arrived, and the Yoga teacher left!
My Mini Yoga Retreat - turned into a Mini Retreat!  

My digs!
My room was lovely - tucked away on the other side of the resort, it over looked the river! My 'mini retreat' turned out to be more like an episode of 'Survivor'!!! Me...all alone, in the Thai jungle...fending for myself against massive spiders, snakes, frogs and other unidentified wild animals. The first night was pretty scary (as were night 2 and 3!) I heard every sound and imagined the worst! Then I went to the loo and found a frog in the toilet - just chilling there like 'what-up dude'! (I am TERRIFIED of frogs!) There was also a small black snake hanging around the shower...that was the quickest shower I ever had!!! 

So with pretty much no Yoga in site, I decided to make the most of my trip and signed myself up for some adventures! First on the list was a Thai Cooking Course - number 6 for me but I love cooking and I love Thai food so figured - why not! We walked around the resort, picking veggies and nicking freshly laid eggs (most of which were still warm!). Then off too the kitchen where we whipped up spicy chicken salad - Thai style, Pad Thai and chicken coconut soup! Yum Yum Yum!

Chef Hayley strikes again!
The next day I went river rafting...not one for swimming, I was just happy to sit on the raft and watch the world go by! It was a beautiful sunny day, and I was so happy to be out and about in nature and experiencing this! We rafted for almost 2 hrs, me almost falling off when I decided to try out the stick and be the guide, then stopped at my guides house for lunch on the way back! Lunch was delicious - various types of river fish cooked in Thai spice! My guide then got his pet monkey out - kid you not - and sent it up the tree to get me a fresh coconut! The monkey kindly obliged and threw one down - I'm pretty sure he was aiming for my head as he almost knocked me out with a coconut!

River rafting!

Despite not being the ‘meditative, mantra filled, one with nature, look I can touch my toes and almost do a head stand’ Yoga break I had expected - the 'mini break' actually far exceeded my expectations! I was so lucky to have been able to have the experience, I had a super relaxing time on my own in the middle of the jungle and learnt that I am braver than I think! When face to face with extreme danger – frogs, snakes and spiders - I learnt that frogs will disappear if you threaten to flush them – spiders will leave you alone if you hold up your shoes and threaten to stomp them and snakes can’t ‘run’ – so I was at an advantage! 

Farewell Ranong - I survived!


Monday 13 March 2017

Full Mooners!

Last month we headed to Koh Phangan for the Full Moon Party!

We set off bright an early, after a taxi ride, flight, bus transfer, ferry and another bus transfer we arrived at our Hotel in KP! I've always wanted to go to a full moon party, and since it coincided with visitors who were also pretty keen on going we decided it was time! After we arrived and a 'welcome to the island' welcome beer, we had lunch, walked to the main beach and soaked up the sun!

Chilling out in KP!

Not sure if it was the Full Moon or if KP is always mental - but it was crazy busy! I'd love to go back to KP during another moon phase - when it's less chaotic and crazy busy! It's a beautiful island with great restaurants, pubs and the beach is stunning!
On the day of the FMP - we slept in, had a good brekkie and went for a walk to the waterfall, had an early dinner then got ready in our lumo gear and headed to the action! 

Trouble - Full Moon Party Buckets!

The boys stocked up on a bucket - 200 baht (£4.60 worth of 'bad news'!) The beach was jam-packed and just manic! Thousands of people bobbing around, drenched in anything and everything lumo they could get their hands on - and all holding a bucket of 'bad news'! Buckets are 'crazy juice' - there are signs up everywhere minding you to watch how your bucket is made and to make sure the bucket vendors are using legit alcohol! They do use legit bottles alright, but i'm pretty sure they fill them with the cheap and nasty stuff and all things not legit! I left after a few hours - old age was kicking in, it was all a bit too manic for me and I wanted my head on a pillow so bad! 
I left the boys to it... Bad idea...

Full Mooners!
I wish I had taken an after pic of the boys! They got home in drips and drabs in the late hours of the morning. Not one of them could remember exactly how or exactly when they got home! They looked a state the next day and reeked of alcoholic fumes - all swearing they only had 'just one' bucket! 

Beware - apparently one bucket is all it takes!!!

Until next time KP!