Monday, 13 March 2017

Full Mooners!

Last month we headed to Koh Phangan for the Full Moon Party!

We set off bright an early, after a taxi ride, flight, bus transfer, ferry and another bus transfer we arrived at our Hotel in KP! I've always wanted to go to a full moon party, and since it coincided with visitors who were also pretty keen on going we decided it was time! After we arrived and a 'welcome to the island' welcome beer, we had lunch, walked to the main beach and soaked up the sun!

Chilling out in KP!

Not sure if it was the Full Moon or if KP is always mental - but it was crazy busy! I'd love to go back to KP during another moon phase - when it's less chaotic and crazy busy! It's a beautiful island with great restaurants, pubs and the beach is stunning!
On the day of the FMP - we slept in, had a good brekkie and went for a walk to the waterfall, had an early dinner then got ready in our lumo gear and headed to the action! 

Trouble - Full Moon Party Buckets!

The boys stocked up on a bucket - 200 baht (£4.60 worth of 'bad news'!) The beach was jam-packed and just manic! Thousands of people bobbing around, drenched in anything and everything lumo they could get their hands on - and all holding a bucket of 'bad news'! Buckets are 'crazy juice' - there are signs up everywhere minding you to watch how your bucket is made and to make sure the bucket vendors are using legit alcohol! They do use legit bottles alright, but i'm pretty sure they fill them with the cheap and nasty stuff and all things not legit! I left after a few hours - old age was kicking in, it was all a bit too manic for me and I wanted my head on a pillow so bad! 
I left the boys to it... Bad idea...

Full Mooners!
I wish I had taken an after pic of the boys! They got home in drips and drabs in the late hours of the morning. Not one of them could remember exactly how or exactly when they got home! They looked a state the next day and reeked of alcoholic fumes - all swearing they only had 'just one' bucket! 

Beware - apparently one bucket is all it takes!!!

Until next time KP!

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