Friday 25 March 2016

Sunny South Africa!

Earlier this year I was fortunate enough to go to South Africa for a whole month! 

I headed to the Airport, travelling very light -  I had a case inside a case inside a case - my aim was to fill the cases on my return. I was so excited...I got to the airport 5hrs early - too early to even check in my 3 in 1 case! Anyhoo - when they eventually let me check in I headed through for a well deserved Subway Sandwich ( I'm soover chicken and rice/ noodles!) and some retail therapy.

Since moving to Thailand I've become quite casual, out with the office attire and in with the whatever keeps you cool - shorts and t-shirts! I also had a 'mad attack' during packing got rid of most...all actually... of my sensible warm clothes. I only brought one pair of jeans, one hoodie and one pair of trainers to Thailand! So I headed off to Jo Burger in my chillax pants, a t-shirt and flip flops! Not too sure what i was thinking... but take note - It's NEVER a good idea (even if you have an amazing pedicure to show off), unless the air con is not working on the plane (and you know this for sure before hand) to ever wear flip-flops on a plane...ever! My feet were freezing, I was freezing.
Also a good idea i suppose to take a jumper, or in my case the only hoodie i own! That would have made such a difference en route and especially having a 4hr stop over Hong Kong - where it was freezing! So i froze and looked somewhat like a ho-bo all the way home!

Decision made on the place to shop even more and improve wardrobe for return flight! 

Mom, Dad and Grandpa collected me from the airport! Yes - there were tears! Happy Tears! I was so happy to be back on home-soil! And so happy to be back home again. Always good to touch base at home. After a quick shower and ransacking my mom's wardrobe for some decent attire, we headed to the mother ship - Cresta Shopping Centre! Ahh Cresta! Home to one of my favourite meals (Crispy Bacon Cheesy Treat! Pretty self explanatory and delish! Mmmm), lots of awesome shops and welcoming sales! So, besides shopping and making sure i filled those 3 bags , I had a few other things on the agenda for my trip. 

My mate Katie got married the following weekend! It all go with the Hen Do, Pamper Party, Rehearsal dinners and so much excitement! We went to a place called 'Beefcakes' for the Hen Do - Fun times indeed! Crazy Cabaret show from stunning drag queens (i so wish i had a pair of pins like that!) and gorgeous gorgeous waiters (the beef in beefcakes!!) The Pamper Party was a relaxed afternoon affair spent with lovely ladies, cakes and yummy savoury treats!

The Hen Do!
The Wedding was on 6th Feb at Leopard Lodge, stunning venue and stunning day for a wedding! Everything was just fantastic and seeing my friend so happy and gorgeous was just so special! Always such an honour to witness something so magical!


Selfie with the Parentals!
My buddy from the UK came to visit for 10 days. It was so good to see her again and spend time with her in SA! The vino shop up the road especially enjoyed having us close by - Tall Horse is out fav and we couldn't get enough!  We shopped till we dropped (Helen actually had to buy another suitcase too), had manicures, pedicures, massages and ate amazing food! 

Helen, Me & Mum!
We headed to Balito for a few days to get some beach sunshine! Unfortunately the sun was MIA for the trip - but we still had an awesome time! Super special too that Gramps (96 yrs old by the way) came along too! We wined and dined on the beach, had a cheeky midnight swim...(good times), shopped some more and chilled out!

All in all it was an AMAZING trip! I got to see all my buddies, the aunties, the fambo - just wish I didn't live so far away so I could see them more often! 

My Awesome Family & Friends! xoxo

So - with all that shopping...I did fill the bags! All 3 till they were popping! My bag was very overweight at the airport, but luckily the check-in lady must have know how much I needed everything in the bag so she let me off!! Wheew!! 

I'm also pleased to report that I travelled back looking like a normal person, in shoes, jeans and a jumper too! hehe!

Miss you SA! 
See you soon xoxo

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