Tuesday 3 January 2017

Sawadee Pee Mai!

Happy New Year Peeps - or as they say in my beloved Thailand...

Sawadee Pee Mai!

Eek - it's been ages sine my last post! I have so many exciting stories to catch you up on and I promise to post them ASAP! It was a super manic end to 2016 and 2017 started off with a bang! Watch this space...

2016 was just amazing and I am so lucky to have experienced so many amazing things and gone on so many amazing adventures! This year I am gearing up for many more exciting travel adventures, visits from family and friends, weddings and I'm sure there will also be a few wonderful surprises ahead! 

I wish you all a magical 2017 with love, laughter and happiness! 


Displaying 20170102_002654.jpg
Happy New Year!

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