Friday 6 May 2016

My Travel-Buddy & Me!

Meet Cathy - my beloved travel-buddy!!!

Cathy has been on many an adventure with me! Not only is she truly gorgeous and super stylish but she has also been a rock in times of the 'what do i pack for holiday?!?' dramas! My hubby doesn't believe in checking in luggage (after way too many lost luggage situations!), so travelling with him is 'carry on luggage' all the way! There's a fine art to packing hand luggage - you need just enough bits n bobs for the holiday without being overweight, while also leaving enough room for holiday purchases...i think I've almost nailed it! 

Tomorrow we will be heading off to the Maldives!!! ( excited!)
So - my Cathy and I thought we'd share some of our packing tips with you... 

First things first - we know it's gonna be 'hot hot hot' as it's basically on the Equator - but always good to check the weather report just in case! I've just had a look and we looking at 30+ for the trip with a few rainy days! Grr! Rain = Fizz Ease Hair Oil must be packed! My hair is gonna go mental on the beach anyways, but add rain to the equation and i won't be allowed in any photos - so at least I'm prepared to keep the 'do' under control...kinda!

Its also a good idea to check trip-adviser or the google for advice on 'what to wear' be for you head to a country you've never been to before may seem pretty obvious - beach - sun - bikini- skimpy summer dress... but this is not always the case. I've been unprepared a few times and i wish i had packed something longer, warmer, cooler.... now i make sure I'm well prepared!

The Maldives has 98% Islamic population and it's pretty conservative about what women should wear if you are staying at one of the local islands - like us! If you are staying at one of the main 'honeymoon resorts' - you can pretty much wear what you want! Except your Birthday Suit - this is strictly forbidden!

The local island has a beach called Bikini Beach - and yep - you guessed it... you may wear a bikini there. But if you decide to venture to any other beach, it's strongly suggested you cover up. All the advice I've read suggests covering your shoulders and knees at all times...not just for sun protection but out of respect for the locals. So this rules out packing the skimpy dress and spaghetti and strapless tops! I hit the market yesterday for some shoulder covering t-s and a pair of funky Thai chillax pants, they are super light, cool and will do a good job with the cover-up! Stylish too!

Time to get Cathy packed!
We've gone for the 'less is more' theme for this hols... we'll be on the beach most of the time so not too much is needed... (also left lots of room for holiday shopping!)

  • 2 bikinis - for use on bikini beach
  • beach towel and sarong
  • new Thai chillax pants and a not so new pair
  • 6 t-shirts - with shoulder coverage
  • 2 sundresses - that can double as an outfit for dinner (if hubby takes me out somewhere nice)
  • fold it small beach bag - handy for the trips to the beach to carry books, suncream etc.
  • ziploc bag for the phone - hate beach sand infecting my phone and keeps it dry
  • toiletry bag - all under 100 ml
  • suncream -factor 40 
  • my trusty sunhat and shades
Image result for maldives we come!!!

Oops.... better make sure my passport is packed too!


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