Monday 28 December 2015

Chef Hayley makes Pad Priew-wan Moo!

Tonight i made my first Thai meal! Santa brought me this cookbook so thought I'd try out my culinary skills! I decided on the Pad Priew-wan Moo - aka.Sweet and Sour! 

Popped to the local supermarket to get fish sauce, a must for any Thai dish, pineapples and chili sauce. I didn't make my own rice as i find that way too difficult so asked Kev to pick some ready made on the way home. It went well, and Kev thought it was really tasty, however note to self: do not put too much chili sauce!! I found it super spicy, but was yum! Next I'm gonna try the mango with sticky rice... looks delicious! Perhaps i might invest in a rice cooker too!?!

The Hilne-ton Bangkok now serves food - visitors welcome! 

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