Monday 6 February 2017

Afternoon at Bangkok PaintBar!

Last Friday I treated myself to an afternoon at the Bangkok PaintBar! 

You guessed's a bar...where you can paint! I saw it advertised on the F-book and thought it would be a fun experience and since I don't really know how to paint,  I might as well learn and as it has a bar - well - need I say more! It costs 599 baht (£13.60) for a 4 hr session, you get a canvas and are guided to paint the 'Painting of the day' which on Friday was a sky, grass, flower scene.

I got off to a bit of a slow start - realizing I know absolutely nothing about paining, but after some help to paint the 'sky' I was on my way! A glass of vino also helped the creative juices flow... before I knew it I had a sky and grass! Next was to add few splashed of colour...


I spent about 3 hrs painting away and enjoying getting in touch with my artistic side! It was fun - but I think it would have been 'funner' going with someone else or a group of people. There were two groups there on a 'team-building' exercises. The first group had 40 min to paint anything they wanted and to add their company logo, the other group arrived just before I left and they were painting a 'Penguin family scene'.

Although not massively gifted in the artistic department - I was pretty happy with the result! The photo doesn't do it justice and it looks great in our apartment- adds a much needed splash of colour!  

My Masterpiece!